Big Dumb Fighting Idiots

Written & Illustrated by Joseph Luster
Current Update: 11/8/18. The End!

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FINAL PAGES (196-203):


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That’s a wrap on Big Dumb Fighting Idiots! Wow! It’s hard to believe this all started as fake video game box art, which I then decided to dedicate three years of work to…

The first pages of Big Dumb Fighting Idiots went up on November 26, 2015, and now you can read all 203 pages of it.

What comes after this? Well, I have another comic that’s been in the planning stages for a while now, so hopefully I’ll kick that off in some form soon. If I don’t print it first, I’ll serialize it here in some way. I also plan to get BDFI printed on my own, so look out for that!

Oh yeah, and I have more regular content coming, too. Thanks for reading Big Dumb Fighting Idiots!